
How science is done and for what.

This is a fast developing world. Data streams are expanding exponentially. Man-made machines are gaining new capacity every day to replace human forces in every possible area. Today, increasing number of scientists and engineers, including me, are working on the quantum information frontier to build the fundation for making machines in extreme complexity, which will be eventually more intelligent and efficient than ourselves in terms of processing information and creating new ideas. As far as I can see, we are approaching to a critical point that a revolution will dramatically change our personal life, ways of doing research, teaching and working, relationships among people and things, and ultimately the social structure of the human world. We need to rethink about and rebuild our purpose of living, our common sense, moral standards, law systems, policies and the attribution model of profits, knowledge and tools--before it is too late.

As a scientist, I am taking some time off to develop tools, to share my works and to organize some social activities. If you find those are opportunities for your to take advantage and participation of, I'd be more than happy to welcome you to the journey of defining sustainable development of humanity.

Non-for-profit organizations that I co-created for communities:

  • CQuIC@GitHub: for CQuIC members who do code for science.
  • JuliaQuantum: for establishing standards and computational libraries in Julia for quantum science and technology.
  • ICIQ: the open community stands for Information, Computation, Intelligence and Quantum. We have scientists, journalists, enterprineurs, students and many other professionals who are interested in crossing the boundaries between classical and quantum information sciences to shape the future and organize group studies, online talks, open discussions and news sharing. Check our Google+ community on quantum information science (the biggest as of Feb 2016).

Selecting tools I think that are useful for poeple who are doing science.

Sharing code repositories

Xiaodong Qi's Open-source Repositories

This is an automated index to the top 12 public Github repositories managed by Xiaodong Qi. All of them are released under open-source initiative licenses, so you are free -- and invited! -- to use or adapt them as long as you acknowledge the source. If you do use them, I hope you'll drop me a note by email. I also encourage pull requests with corrections or improvements on these community common resources.

    github Coding

    Twitter Discussing


    Here are some tools I use for work.